Research Axis Manufacturing technologies

From the processing of ceramics, using conventional as well as the most innovative processes, with mastery of raw materials and intermediates, to the production of the industrial product.

Industrializable Specific Processes

The industrial production of ceramic materials, from porcelain to bioceramics and high-performance materials, requires highly specific methods of implementation due to their intrinsic properties such as high hardness, medium densities, high melting points, unique chemical and thermomechanical properties, and more.


From raw materials to finished products: Ceramic shaping processes

Ceramic manufacturing processes involve shaping these materials and require prior adaptation of raw materials (granulated powders, pastes, suspensions) before consolidating them, usually at high temperatures, to obtain a finished product and exploit its properties.

The BCRC has a continually evolving range of technologies for adapting raw materials and obtaining finished ceramic or composite products.


The expertise developed by the scientists of the “Manufacturing technologies ” group at BCRC aims to solve industrial technological challenges related to the development of ceramic products. This expertise has been built over the past twenty years through the grouping of equipment within the technological platforms of BCRC.

