Application Lab – Microscopy

The Microscopy Application Lab is a platform dedicated to the microstructural and microscopic characterisation of ceramic materials and glass. It is organised mainly around a comprehensive FIB-MEB analysis platform and a micro-XRF, as well as equipment for analysing the surface of materials in general.


  • FIB-FESEM high-resolution scanning electron microscope
    • Extra-large analysis chamber, Multi-GIS: 5 gases, nano manipulator
    • Resolution of 0.7 nm at 15 keV and < 2.5 nm at 30 keV
    • Ion ablation
    • 3D EDS-EBSD analysis
    • STEM: (BF, DF, HADF), 0.7 nm at 30 keV
  • Routine scanning electron microscope JEOL JCM-6000 : ×10 to ×60000 SEI, ×10 to ×30000 BEI and EDS analysis
  • Micro-XRF
    • Mapping resolution: 15 µm and 100 µm, 1.2 mm collimator
    • Detection of elements from 5 < Z < 96 (from carbon to americium)
    • Transmission X-ray detector
    • Analysis in controlled atmosphere: vacuum, partial vacuum, helium
  • Non-contact 3D roughness tester
    • Maximum target height 128 mm
    • Display resolution 0.5 nm
  • 3D microscope: analysis area 1 mm (high magnification mode) and 10 mm (low magnification mode)
    • Accuracy from 2 µm to 5 µm depending on mode
  • Polarising reflection and transmission microscope ZEISS
    • Transmitted light or combination of transmitted and reflected light
    • Brightfield, darkfield, phase contrast, fluorescence, polarisation


  • Cross Section polisher ILION+ II GATAN
  • Vacuum evaporation systems: high-resolution Au/Pt/Pt-Pd, gold and carbon
  • Plasma Cleaner Zepto (Application Lab 1D-2D Ceramics Lab): air, argon, oxygen (Application Lab 1D-2D Ceramics Lab)
  • Binocular magnifiers
  • Reflection-polarisation microscope LEICA DMRM


  • GEOSLAGS : Creation of a complete geopolymer value chain integrating by-products from the steel industry in Wallonia (Greenwin cluster project, 2023-2027)
  • COLCAST : Improving the high temperature performance of colloidal bonded refractory castables (projet Cornet, 2021-2023)